We have no choice, but to protect the environment

In the last decades the environmental issue has been dealt with prominently in the media and through global summits, which have been launched in the search for solutions that meet, at the same time, governments, private and public initiative, and civil societies. Between the adherence of key countries and the withdrawal of world powers, time went by and the climatic effects became worse.

The truth is that for the common citizen everything has always been “translated” into a complex and demotivating language, as if the individual contribution was something arduous and unattainable. Not at all, we know that with the selective separation of organic and recyclable waste, for example, each person can make a difference to the environment. Hassle Free. And the motivation is in knowing how important each gesture contributes to the nature that surrounds us: clean beaches, healthy forests, (more) pure air, animals living their cycles naturally, people not having to migrate from one place to another. At least for environmental reasons.


For companies that are still not aware of the ESG (environmental and social governance) concept, it would be good to update themselves, since their value toward investors and consumers themselves will be increasingly analysed under this perspective.

In short, ESG assesses what companies do so that their businesses (products and services) improve environmental and social aspects, or at least avoid negative impacts on the environment. All based on what each company actually does, without green-washing bias.

For this reason, some companies have radically changed manufacturing methods for greater water savings, for example, drastically reducing carbon emissions, sequestering these from the atmosphere. Not to mention, of course, the companies’ reflections on communities that collaborate in the value chain.

And what is the negative aspect of companies, products, services that do not reduce environmental liabilities? Aside from the growing rejection by B2B and B2C consumers, they will see their market values dwindle. Many investors have also been very judicious in choosing which business to invest in, based on the ESG concept.

From a practical point of view, nature has reflected the negligence of some companies in environmental matters: devastation of forests, pollution of rivers and seas, destruction of coral reefs, etc. The result is the increase of temperature in many parts of the planet, melting glaciers, devastating fires, extreme weather effects of all kinds. For those companies that still think that all this is not a priority, consumers and investors are very attentive, discerning and impatient.

The coconut palm is a regenerative agricultural tree, which
captures carbon from the atmosphere. From it we produce
Ecotok, an eco-friendly and premium quality product.


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